Thursday, May 21, 2009

Finals Question #5



1. Describe what is virtual office.

Virtual Office is a workplace that is not based in one physical location but consists of employees working remotely by using information and communications technologies.

2. Distinguish virtual office from MIS.

A virtual office is characterized by the use of teleworkers, telecenters, mobile workers, hot-desking, and hoteling, and promotes the use of virtual teams.
While MIS is a marketing information system consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.

3. Illustrate (give examples) how virtual office can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.

A Virtual Office Service can provide you with an established business address, as well as a complete suite of business support services. Outsourcing is a big step for the company. We know that you’d like to spend more time running your business, free from unnecessary and unplanned distractions that take your time and attention away from the projects at hand eliminating the difficult issues that you’ve experienced with other virtual office service companies, with the virtual office ensuring that your account activity is handled capably and professionally, and that we provide accurate, timely and concise information for you and your clients and by that to have a competitive advantage.

Debbie Ann T. Templonuevo

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finals Question #4

Finals Question #4

1. Describe or define DSS.

DSS are a specific class of computerized information systems that supports business and organizational decision-making activities. A properly-designed DSS is an interactive software-based system intended to help decision makers compile useful information from raw data, documents, personal knowledge, and/or business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions.

2. Distinguish DSS from MIS.

DSS A system that supports technological and managerial decision making by assisting in the organization of knowledge about ill-structured, semistructured, or unstructured issues. A decision support system (DSS) is not intended to provide support to humans about structured issues since little cognitively based decision support is generally needed.While an 'MIS' is a planned system of the collecting, processing, storing and disseminating data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management.The terms MIS and information system are often confused. Information systems include systems that are not intended for decision making.

3. Illustrate (give examples) how DSS can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.

A decision support system creates a competitive advantage if three criteria are met. First, once the DSS is implemented, it must be used and it must become a major or significant strength or capability of the organization. Second, the DSS must be unique and proprietary to the organization. Third, the advantage provided by the DSS must be sustainable until an adequate payback is received, usually at least three years. Managers who are searching for strategic investments in information technology need to keep these three criteria in mind. Just because a vendor says a product will create a competitive advantage doesn’t make the claim true. A competitive advantage means an organization does something important much better than its competitors.

Debbie Ann T. Templonuevo

Finals Question #3

Finals Question #3
Identify and describe one company that adopts an MIS. Include in your discussion, how MIS helps and supports the company, its managers and other employees, in their problem solving and decision-making.

Touch Systems Ltd (TSL) formed in 1989 to supply business software solutions. Using state of the art real-time monitoring and diagnostics technology, companies able to provide our Premium Services clients with unparalleled around the clock monitoring, trend analysis and alerting on your networked systems and mission critical devices. Accelerate your business ahead of the competition with MIS Premium Services and the benefit of this to the managers and employees and generally to the company in their problem solving are the following:

* Reduce IT Costs and Business Risks
* Gain total visibility of network and system performance and eliminate bottlenecks
* Improve Systems Capacity Planning
* Stay Current with Patch Assessments and Detect Vulnerabilities

Debbie Ann T. Templonuevo

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Finals Question #2

Finals Question #2
A company may adopt specific computerized database system according to their unique needs after thorough MIS planning. However, it has to be noted that MIS if properly planned, and implemented, benefits can be immeasurable on the other hand, if this is misused, then it may mean information or financial losses and opportunity and resources wasted.

From this, answer the following.

1.0.a Research one international company from the Internet and describe their MIS strategic plan in 1-2 paragraphs.

The move is in line with MIS' dual strategy for growth both organically and through strategic acquisitions. The acquisition of 3CMI is part of MIS' strategic expansion plans and follows an intensive period of discussions with the management of 3CMI. Based in Dubai Investment Park, 3CMI was identified as an ideal partner to MIS for the synergies it offers both in terms of resources and business activities, benefiting both companies.
"MIS is very pleased with this new acquisition that will complement MIS' development and diversification plans, and bolster the companies presence in Dubai," said Jerry Smith, MIS Managing Director. "We consider this an excellent move to generate additional revenue for MIS and we look forward to integrating the 3CMI group into MIS and supporting the 3CMI activities in an aggressive growth plan."Yannick Damry, General Manager of 3CMI said, "Since its set-up in Dubai in 2004, 3CMI has managed to establish its reputation in the market through its flexible, dynamic and tailormade approach to the business, and we are delighted to become part of such an established strong player in the region. We are looking forward to the growth and development that this provides us and our team."

1.0.b Discuss too the impact of this strategic plan on the company's management,
competitors, customers and the company as a whole.

In having a well managed operation and skilled engineering group and workforce which will support MIS' existing business activities, 3CMI's strengths in land rig refurbishment and high pressure piping fabrication will dovetail with MIS' business activities. 3CMI, will, in turn, gain considerable access to MIS' systems and expertise, thereby growing its current position and opening it up to a broader client base and greater geographical coverage and this could be a positive impact in the company..

2.0.a Evaluate how can this strategic plan be applied to any local company in the Philippines.

As i could see if local companies will gain considerable access to MIS' systems and expertise, by growing its current position and opening it up to a broader client base and greater geographical coverage.

2.0.b Discuss too the possible effect on the company.

With the use of MIS it could not be possible for every companies and organization to be Globally competitive, where it could also achieve the level of productivity and the efficiency as a whole of the company.

3.0.a What is an Accounting Information System?

Accounting Information Systems (AISs) combine the study and practice of accounting with the design, implementation, and monitoring of information systems. Such systems use modern information technology resources together with traditional accounting controls and methods to provide users the financial information necessary to manage their organizations.
3.0.b Identify or list down different accounting information systems used.
a. Payroll Accounting
b. Asset Reconciliation
c. Top Accounting Software

3.0.c What are the benefits by the management, users and customers derived from these AIS?

AIS are useful for companies and businesses wanting to make the accounting process easier by utilizing a computer program or other system that will perform payroll and other functions.The use of information systems is very important in recording vital financial data that will be used in the future. By using computerized accounting information systems to organize and retain this data, companies have a much better chance to survive and succeed.

3.0.d Cite any threat or misuse of these AIS by a specific company. How were the threats addressed? What were the damages?

Theft of Information, Money, or Equipment

* Selling or otherwise exploiting for personal advantage classified or proprietary information.
* Manipulating financial records so that, for example, checks or money transfers are made out or sent to the wrong person.
* Manipulating logistics records to steal equipment. For example, equipment may be stolen by having it shipped to the wrong location. Thefts of equipment may be covered up by manipulating inventory records.
* Copying software for personal use in violation of licensing agreements or when prohibited by rules or procedures.
* Disseminating or printing copyrighted materials (including articles and software) in violation of copyright laws.
One of the early actions of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was to develop the nowfamiliar color-coded security alert system: Red signaled a "severe" threat to national
security, orange a "high" threat, yellow an "elevated" threat, blue a "guarded" threat, and green a "low" threat. In the wake of the recent scandals at Enron, Arthur Andersen, WorldCom, Tyco, and others, one can imagine a similar security alert system tor threats to our financial reporting system.

Debbie Ann T. Templonuevo

Monday, May 11, 2009

Finals Question #1

Finals Question#1

For those who are working, interview your IT in-charge and ask him/her to describe the computer database systems used in the company. Write your answer in 1-2 paragraphs. Further, ask also the benefits and/or disadvantages derived from these database systems.

For those who are not working, research one company in the net who is using computerized database systems. Describe the use and/or nature of these systems and describe too the benefits/disadvantages from these systems. Include your reference.

The US based firm "Cisco Systems", a world leader of internet solutions for the web, has recently awarded a special certificate for the Tunisian computer networking "3S ", for Standard, Sharing, Software.

Database objects has two benefits over other storage approaches: it provides higher performance management of objects.

Database advantages include the following:

  • shared data;
  • centralized control;
  • disadvantages of redundancy control;
  • improved data integrity;
  • improved data security, and database systems; and,
  • flexible conceptual design.

Disadvantages are as follows:

  • a complex conceptual design process;
  • the need for multiple external databases;
  • the need to hire database-related employees;
  • high DBMS acquisition costs;
  • a more complex programmer environment;
  • potentially catastrophic program failures;
  • a longer running time for individual applications; and,
  • highly dependent DBMS operations.

In this company Relational databases are by far the most useful type commonly available, and this training module focusses largely on them, after looking briefly at flat file text databases.A rational database is a database that groups data using common attributes found in the data set. The resulting "clumps" of organized data are much easier for people to understand.
For example, a data set containing all the real estate transactions in a town can be grouped by the year the transaction occurred; or it can be grouped by the sale price of the transaction; or it can be grouped by the buyer's last name; and so on.Such a grouping uses the Relational model(a technical term for this Schema). Hence such a database is called a "relational database."The software used to do this grouping is called a rational database management system. The term "relational database" often refers to this type of software.Relational databases are currently the predominate choice in storing financial records, manufacturing and logistical information, personnel data and much more.

Debbie Ann T. Templonuevo

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Midterm Question #3

Midterm Question #3

Internet if properly maximized can be used as a medium to the advantage of the company. However, risks and threats are there. Thus, research the following:

1. Identify the possible risks and threats (eg. virus) that can potentially attack a company with internet connection.

2. Case research and analysis:
Vigilante virus attacks MP3 music files E-mail
by Stan Beer
Tuesday, 26 April 2005
AddThis Social Bookmark Button

Experts at security vendor Sophos, have discovered a worm which has taken the law into its own hands against internet music pirates. However, legal downloaders are also at risk.

The W32/Nopir-B worm, which appears to have originated in France, spreads via peer-to-peer file-sharing systems posing as a hacked utility to make copies of commercial DVDs. However, in reality it displays an anti-piracy graphic, and attempts to delete all MP3 music files, disable various system utilities, and wipe .COM programs on the infected PC.

"The internet is swamped with people pirating movies and music, costing
the entertainment industry millions each year. The Nopir-B worm targets
people it believes may be involved in piracy, but fails to discriminate
between the true criminals and those who may have MP3 files they have
created themselves," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant
for Sophos. "Whichever side of the fence you come down on in regards to
internet privacy, there's no debate about the criminal nature of this
worm - designed to inflict malicious damage on people's Windows

Internet pirates who have illegally distributed music files, movies and
TV shows have been in the news recently as ISPs have been ordered in a
number of cases to provide identitifying details of those individuals
responsible so prosecutions can be brought against them. Last month, a
Canadian man lost his job after it was found he had leaked the first
episode of the eagerly anticipated BBC science fiction series "Doctor
Who" onto the internet three weeks before its official broadcast.

Although there have only been a small reports of the worm, Sophos
recommends computer users ensure their anti-virus software is
up-to-date, and that companies protect themselves with a consolidated
solution which can defend them from the threats of both spam and

2.a Identify one company that had experienced an attacked from the internet.

Elk Cloner
is one of the first known microcomputer viruses that spread "in the wild," i.e., outside the computer system or lab in which it was written.Elk Cloner spread by infecting the Apple II operating system using a technique now known as a "boot sector" virus.

2.b Describe the attack.

Elk Cloner spread by infecting the Apple II operating system using a technique now known as a "boot sector" virus. If a computer booted from an infected floopy disk, a copy of the virus was placed in the computer's memory. When an uninfected disk was inserted into the computer, Elk Cloner would be copied to the disk, thus allowing it to spread from disk to disk.

An infected computer would display a short poem on every 50th boot. Elk Cloner did not cause deliberate harm, but Apple DOS disks without a standard image had their reserved tracks overwritten. The aforementioned poem follows:

Elk Cloner: The program with a personality

It will get on all your disks
It will infiltrate your chips
Yes, it's Cloner!

It will stick to you like glue
It will modify RAM too

Send in the Cloner!

2.c Identify the damages done and the solutions adopted to reverse the damages and to protect the company from future threats.
According to contemporary reports, the virus was rather contagious, successfully infecting the floppies of most people Skrenta knew, and upsetting many of them. Part of the "success," of course, was that people were not at all wary of the potential problem (virus infection could have been avoided by not inserting floppies into computers without hard-booting them first), nor were virus scanners or cleaners available. The virus could still be removed, but it required an elaborate manual effort.

Debbie Ann T. Templonuevo,top-ten-worst-viruses.asp

Midterm Question #2

1. Research Philippine company and one international company that have employed e-commerce.

  • Sweetlandrealty_internationalmarketing,which has the concept to have a multi listing properties all over the key cities of the countries.
  • AACC-SLF a company in the Philippines,this Chamber is a new, dynamic business organization that is comprised of individuals and companies from over 30 countries world-wide.
2. Describe how e-commerce operate in these companies.

In sweetlandrealty International Marketing:
1. ( FOR NON-PROJECT ) Every Member can register their own listings for sale or Rent in our database and market it to the WORLD by our OFFICE and the FIRST member who registered his/her listing for sale or rent is considered as his/her exclusive listing for the group , that means no double registration is allowed.
2. (FOR PROJECTS) Every member who referred a buyer to the OFFICE and that buyer purchased a developed project, the member is entitle for a 60% commission from the net receivable of the company.
1. The Chamber will serve as a resource center and facilitator of business opportunities for member companies. What They Offer€ ’¥ Access to members to market your product or services as well as other networking opportunities.
2. Listing in the Chamber's directory and other publications to be distributed to Chamber Members and throughout Asia, the Americas, and the Caribbean. Opportunity to advertise in the Chamber's newsletter.

3. Identify the benefits / constraints / derived by these companies from e-commerce.
The benefits of the comapanies from e-commerce is that with this that: 1. Participation in trade missions to Asian countries to promote the company's products and services.
2. Opportunity to advertise in the Chamber's newsletter.
3. Access to members to market

Debbie Ann T. Templonuevo


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Midterm Question #1

Midterm Question #1

MNC's are complex organizations however, they dominate the worldwide market. Knowing the background and nature of MNC's, answer the following:

1. Identify the benefits and disadvantages of MNC's.
The adverse effects of MNCs

A. Disadvantages On the home country:

1.Loss of jobs.
2.Loss of tax revenue.
3.Flexibility of operation is reduced in a foreign political system and thus causes instability.
4.Competitive advantage of multinationals over domestic firms.

On the host country:

1.Remittance of dividends and profits that can result in a net outflow of capital
2.MNCs engage in anticompetitive activities such as formation of cartels and dumping..
3.MNCs offer higher wages to its employees in the host countries,which is much more than any other domestic firm.
4.Obsolete technology may be used in the host country.

B. Possible advantages of a multinarional corporation are:

1.Multinational Companies are able to sell far more than other type of company.
2.Multinational companies can avoid transprt costs.
3.Multinationals can take advantage of different wage levels in different countries(as in some countries only women and children work, so they wages can be low)
4.Multinationals can achieve great economies of scale.
5.Multinationals have less chance of going bankrupt than small companies.
6.Multinationals can carry out a lot of research and development.

2. Identify one MNC company and describe its operation.

Emerson Electric Company
, This company provides engineering services and innovative solutions for the customers in a wide range of industrial, commercial, and consumer markets.Emerson is one of the largest conglomerate companies in the United states. As of 2007, it has a workforce of approximately 138,000 employees worldwide with a global presence spanning 150 countries.

3. Describe how the parent control/coordinates with its subsidiaries in other
countries or region.

It has 50 plants in 31 countries and generates almost 65% of its revenue from .... do not seem to reflect the management style of any particular country or region. ... In other cases the parent may want to see how well the subsidiary ... rely on a variety of mechanisms to coordinate and control their subsidiaries.

4. How is IT maximized or used by this MNC?

IT is maximized by Multinational Corporation especially in having an effective communication trough other country or region and also in Marketing It is very useful to reach the potential market.

5. WHat were the weaknesses/problems encountered by this MNC from its environment and global setup?

Some of the problems that a multinational company might face while recruiting to set up and expand operations in these locations, or when developing a long-term development plan in the offshored country ... ideas & research ... Technical and Policy Papers.

Debbie Ann T. Temp;onuevo

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Prelims Question 4

Ethics is relevant regardless of the type of organization and style of management. It is by this ethics that legal and moral laws are established. IT is not at all excluded from this.

Answer then the following.

1. List down the ethics for computer usage.
You must not use the system irresponsibly, or needlessly affect the work of others. This includes transmitting or making accessible offensive, annoying or harassing material; intentionally damaging the system; intentionally damaging information not belonging to you; or intentionally misusing system resources or allowing misuse of system resources by others.You are responsible for reporting to Information Technology any violation of these guidelines by another individual. You are also encouraged to report any information relating to a flaw in, or bypass of, computer facilities security.

2. What common forms of ethic violations happen in the internet and in the organization?
Altering the equipment or modifying the operations of any College equipment;
Inspecting, modifying, or copying data or programs without authorization from the owner;
Using the electronic mail system to send abusive, obscene, or otherwise harassing communications;Using the computer system for commercial purposes;

3. How does ethics affect the decision making of mangers?
Managing ethics in the workplace holds tremendous benefit for leaders and managers, benefits both moral and practical. This is particularly true today when it is critical to understand and manage highly diverse values in the workplace.

4. Cite a company which experienced legal or social conflicts because of its violation of ethics. You may check as example the problem of pre-need insurance companies in the Philippines.
a. Describe briefly the nature of the problem.
b. How was this resolved?
c. Who were affected?
d. What were the damages?
Hawaiian Dredging Construction Co. was cited for not submitting semiannual reports for two different facilities, the department said. The company had been fined two penalties of $2,700 each, which have both been paid.

Cite your reference.

Prelim Questions #3

Prelims Question 3

A company has basically four (4) levels of organizational hierarchy and each level makes use of unique IT technology and software to address and/or support their works.

Answer then the following:

1. Identify and describe information systems (IS) used in each level.

An Information System (IS) is the system of persons, data records and activities that process the data and information in a given organization, including manual processes or automated processes.

There are three categories of information related to the Formal Information Systems:

  • 1. Knowledge Level or top level management -includes policy making and the highest level of management.
  • 2. Strategic Information or middle level 1- relates to long-range planning policies. This information is achieved using the Decision Support System.
  • 3. Managerial Information or middle level 2 helps the middle level management in policy implementation and control. This information is achieved using the Management Information System
  • 4. Operational Information or lower level management -is the daily information needed to operate the business. This information is achieved using the Data Processing System
2. How do these IS help the employees and managers achieve their objectives.
This system helps define very clearly the work-flow system, communication flow-down and the authority. The information flows in terms of policies, goals, strategies, rules and regulations from the top level management to the bottom level of management.. The information also flows from the bottom level management to the top level in terms of feedback, results of work done etc.
Management and Information Systems,the term is commonly used to refer to the group of information management methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making, e.g. Decision Support Systems , Expert systems, and Executive information systems.MIS has also some differences with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) as ERP incorporates elements that are not necessarily focused on decision support.

3. Cite a local or national company that makes use of these IS and identify the benefits and drawbacks/lapses of these IS.
Alcoa, Inc. makes use of these IS. Surveyed as they don't follow security best practices that was their lapses. Otherwise it makes their system faster and easier for them to be productive. They got a big help especially for their organization to solve business problems such as costing a product, service or a business-wide strategy without overlapping.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Prelim Questions #2

Prelim Questions 2
An organization may adopt a closed-system or open-system model. Answer the following:

1. Discuss the pro's and con's of each model.

Pros in this model Closed-system perspective views organization as a relatively independent of environmental influences.the closed-system approach conceives of the organization as a system of management, technology, personnel, equipment, and materials, but the cons of this model is it tends to exclude competitors, suppliers, distributors, and government regulators. this approach allows mangers and organizational theorists to analyze problems by examining the internal structure of a business with little consideration of the external environment. the closed system perspective basically views on organization much as thermostat;another cons is its limited environmental input outside of changes in temperature is required for effective operation. The closed system perspective was dominant through the organization scholarship and research subsequently emphasize the role of the environment but gave little consideration to the impact on the internal operation of the organization.
Open-systems perspective views an organization as an entity that takes inputs from the environment, transforms them and releases them as output tandem with reciprocal effects on the organization itself along with the environment in which it is situated. In much same way, open systems of organizations accept that organizations are contingent on their environment and these environment are also contingent on organization.

2. Cite a company that uses any of this model. Describe briefly how this chosen model affect the entire company.

Red Hat Inc. is a open source from geographically dispersed users the corporation is selling the bundled revisions, an organization that would cease to exist if it were not for an open-system perspective. The rapidly-changing environments are more consistent with flexible, decentralized, or organic management styles, and stable environment with low complexity are more consistent with a relatively closed-system or mechanistic management style.

3. Evaluate how an environment affects the organization and its management. Discuss the pro's and con's of not responding to the demands of the environment.

Environmental forces such as customers and competitors exert considerable influence on corporation, highlighting the essential relationship between organization and its environment as well as the importance of maintaining external inputs to achieve the stable organization.

Cite your reference.
Debbie Ann T. Templonuevo

Prelim Questions #2


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Prelim question #1

1. Question #1:
How do you perceive information as a resource of the company?

We can percieve information as a resource of the company were we know users are not able to own information like we are able to own resources such as land and capital. Information is, however, far more accessible that these resources, and has become our key resource. The quality, relevance, and usefulness of information does depend on who uses it, how astutely, and for what purposes.Our entrance into the information age has had many impacts on our way of life. One of these being the changes in the work force. The jobs and functions performed by the workers are becoming increasingly information oriented.

2. Question #2:
Cite a company, its nature, describe how the information from its environment improves its management and business as a whole.

Superferry the passenger travel brand of the Aboitiz Transport System the integrated transport solution arm of Aboitiz & Company and owned by publicly listed arm, Aboitiz Equity Ventures. Now, you can enjoy visiting the different island destinations all over the Philippines through a unique sea travel experience that only SuperFerry can deliver with the comforts and convenience of well appointed accommodations and facilities onboard. True to the vision of our founders, we continue to strive for excellence by setting new standards in the local maritime industry.

Through Aboitiz-Jebsen, we hold the distinction of being the first shipping company in the Philippines to have received the prestigious International Ship Management (ISM) Code - a certification of compliance to international standards on safety management, environmental protection, emergency preparedness, maintenance of the ship requirements, qualified and well-trained crew, and development plans for shipboard operations. The company can achieve the excellent performance of this company by innovating and searching new trends and interest of the potential customers and by having this relevant internal and external factors, information and updates that could be a great impact and a big help on the operation of the company and very necessary in decision making.The entire fleet of SuperFerry is compliant with the ISPS Code.

Student: Debbie Ann Templonuevo